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Agribusiness – La Republica

21 years ago, the Dorronsoro family started Del Alba, a company that in addition to generating almost 90% of the production of macadamias in Colombia, is also dedicated to the processing of all types of nuts. Agronegocios spoke with Jaime Dorronsoro, manager of this Valle del Cauca company, which already has 15 independent growers and a business model, in which, through leasing, they deliver to interested parties a crop of macadamias in full production.

They offer a lease of the properties, how does it work and what opportunities does it generate?

Macadamia production begins in the fourth year and increases until it reaches equilibrium in year seven or eight. We have managed to pay a commercial lease that is adjusted every year with the CPI and at the end of year 20 a farm is delivered in full production that will last for 15 or 20 more years.

What is the most suitable region to grow crops and where do you have your crops?

It is the Coffee Axis, and we have the crops in Quindío, located between 1,200 and 1,500 meters high. This is what used to be called 'coffee zone', which is no longer the case. Now it is a marginal coffee area. We are trying to captivate it for macadamia cultivation.

How many hectares are planted in Colombia and how much is the production?

The country has about 1,000 hectares. There are only 300 of these in production. We are talking about a production of close to 800 tons of walnuts in shell.

Why is it still a small crop in the country?

It is a crop that can grow a lot, but it takes time and a high investment must be made at the beginning. There are no development credits with soft interests. There is only the Rural Capitalization Incentive (ICR), which is not attractive because the cost of capital is very high.

How much should you invest to start?

About $14 million per hectare. To take it from sowing until it goes into production. In year seven, all the investment is made. From then on the plant produces for about 40 years or 50 years.

What growth opportunities do you see for macadamia?

I see many possibilities, not only in national consumption, but in export, because the world supply is insufficient. In Europe alone, consumption has doubled in 20 years. In addition, macadamia ice cream is the second best seller in Colombia and we prepare the caramelized nuts with which this product is made.

How are the prices in the market?

Macadamia in Colombian supermarkets is much cheaper than in the United States or Europe. That is an advantage, the prices are very attractive for consumers.


Catherine Alfonso

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Maria Alejandra Solano

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