Compra Wapp: 3102809278

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Almond Energy Bites

Completion time: 10 minutes
Yield: 2 dozen balls

2 cups of dates | 2 tazas de almonds Of the Dawn | 60 gr. dark chocolate powder | 3/4 cup of coconut flakes, (reserve 1/2 cup of coconut flakes to pass the balls at the end) | 1/4 tsp. of sea salt | 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract | 1-2 tablespoons of almond milk. Check out our almond milk recipe here


1.- In a food processor add half a cup of coconut flakes to grind them. Process for a little less than a minute. (Don't go past a minute or the mixture will turn into coconut butter.)

2.- Remove the ground flakes and reserve.

3.-Incorporate the dates until they are ground and come together to form a ball.

4.-Crack the ball with your hands and add the almonds, the chocolate powder, 1/4 cup of coconut flakes and sea salt.

5.- Process for several minutes, scraping the walls with the help of a spatula, if necessary.

6.- Add the vanilla and almond milk.

7.- Process the mixture until all the ingredients come together in a ball. If it doesn't happen, add one more tablespoon. The mixture should look like the photo below.

8.- Once the necessary consistency is obtained, remove the mixture and form 24 balls.

9.- Pass them one by one in the coconut mixture that you processed at the beginning.

10.- Place them in a container and store them in the fridge to last more weeks.
