Pistachios are a widely used food thanks to the breadth of possibilities they present. Some uses are the following:
- Crushed, powdered, peeled, cascaded, rolled, raw, roasted, fried, salted,
- As an appetizer, fried or toasted, with or without salt
- As a base salad ingredient (chopped or whole), in cakes, desserts, sauces
- As a decoration in pastries, to decorate cakes, fruit desserts, baklava
- For all types of preparations with vegetables, legumes, rice, pasta, among others.
- Ice cream or yogurt mixes
- Oil extraction, for culinary preparation (ice cream, cakes, sauces) due to its exquisite and sweet flavor, as well as a very striking intense green color. At a topical level for its soothing and moisturizing action.