Learn how to reduce your waist by adding a food to your daily menu: Natural Almonds of Alba. Discover how its nutritional contribution helps reduce fat in this area.

Almonds, in addition to being delicious, contain nutrients that benefit the body because they contain fiber and protein, which makes them perfect for avoiding diseases, losing weight and, above all, reducing the waist. This, according to the study published by Food and Nutrition Sciences, research that determines that people who consume a handful of almonds constantly have a lower body mass index (BMI) and thus, a smaller waist circumference.
The study found that a daily serving of 56 g of Almonds reduces bad cholesterol and fat accumulation in the body. In addition, positive effects could be measured on waist-hip reduction, an important factor for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases since the more fat that accumulates in the abdomen, the greater the probability of suffering a heart attack. The basal metabolic rate (energy expenditure without exercise) was also elevated.
On the other hand, it was determined that the consumption of almonds generated an increase in protein, fiber, vitamins E and B2, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and the minerals phosphorus and magnesium. And the intake of carbohydrates, animal proteins and cholesterol was reduced.
Now that you know the secret to taking care of your figure and reducing inches from your waist using the benefits of Almonds, we invite you to discover their incredible flavor in any of our presentations: Salted Del Alba Almonds, Almonds with Cocoa Del Alba, Natural Almond Del Alba, Del Alba Almond Slices and Del Alba Caramelized Almonds Order them in our online store We will bring your order home!
Estamos muy contentos de contar con sus productos, y queremos proponerles que saquen la harina de almendra en proporciones mas pequeñas,, ahora después de la pandemia, entrando en la cultura de comer sano, no ha sido fácil conseguir la harina de almendra por libra o kilo. Uds, solo la tienen para mayoristas y creo que seria muy buena opción que también tuviéramos acceso a presentaciones acordes a los hogares.
Felicitaciones por la calidad de sus productos , que no tienen nada que envidiar de las marcas internacionales.
Alvaro Quitian